Single Payment

$444 ($1333.00 SAVINGS)

One time price at significant savings!


Multiple Payments

111.00 PER MONTH

5 payments


I am ready to be love!

Enroll me inĀ Self Love Alchemy!

Why this course can change your life!

Everyone needs a “Jen” in her life, especially on her spiritual awakening journey. I was lucky to be divinely guided to her during a period in my life where everything was falling apart, including my body, mind and spirit. During this time, I discovered the label of “Empath” for myself and was diving headfirst into all things alternative, metaphysical and natural to alleviate symptoms my body was feeling that western medicine couldn’t diagnose. This is where Jennifer enters the picture. 

              After my first healing session with her, I instantly knew that she was going to play a much bigger role in my life than just one healing session. I could feel deep inner changes being set in motion. These feelings lead me to enroll in Jennifer’s Energy Alchemy Academy, starting in early 2020. Best decision ever. While the world was in pure chaos and pandemic, my world was becoming more peaceful and abundant. 

              Jen’s teachings gave me the tools and healing modalities to navigate my ever-winding spiritual journey. She met me where I was on my path and intuitively knew how to gently guide me forward. 

              Because of her, I know that being an Empath isn’t a burden to bear but more of a heightened sense of awareness that allows for deep understanding and connection. I also now understand what a “soul tribe” is and how healing it is to know them. Jen’s community spreads far and wide and I have been blessed to meet some of the most amazing women through her courses, ceremonial gatherings and retreats. Her ability to bring this beautiful community together and foster it’s growth has had an immeasurable impact on my willingness to embody my truest self and live my best life. 

              Jen holds the space for learning and growth and empowers you to fully embrace your highest potential. Her guidance and wisdom has lead me to be mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthier and stronger than ever. She has awakened gifts within me and I am forever grateful. 

              Because of Jen, I left the corporate world and opened my own healing business, which currently includes reiki and spiritual mediumship readings. I can’t say enough wonderful things about her. She’s changed my life in so many ways and I know so many others who can say the same. 

~ Missy Hooke

Single Payment

$444 ($1333.00 SAVINGS)

One time price at significant savings!


Multiple Payments

111.00 PER MONTH

5 payments


The Self-Love Academy is a 7-week live and interactiveĀ journey to unlock, awaken, and become your truest self.Ā 

Our mission is to live our lives to the fullest by unlocking and harnessing the power of self-love with proven techniques that are easy to implement and life-changing.